Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company "Kafolat" was established on 14.03.1997 and operates on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 09.10.2017 No. PP-3317 "On measures to improve the activities of JSC". Insurance company guarantee.
The company operates on the basis of a license issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which allows it to provide insurance services for all 17 categories of general insurance, both compulsory and voluntary, combining more than 100 types of insurance. .
In order to ensure the reform of the system of Kafolat Insurance Company JSC in accordance with the transformation processes in the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country, the company has developed key development directions that determine the underwriting and investment policy. special attention is paid to the development of insurance activities among the population.